What are keywords?
On the internet keywords are basically what words the user types into the search engines to find what they are looking for. Keywords can be fun to research. This data is relevant to bloggers because it helps them know what to write about and what people are interested in.
Where do I find keyword tools?
There are a lot of tools on the internet that research the number of times keywords are searched for. One of those keyword tools is provided by a company called Wordtracker. Wordtracker has recently come out with a beta version keyword tool that will tell you what questions people are asking based on the keywords you enter. This keyword tool is very handy and a lot of bloggers will enjoy using it.
How many results for keyword searches are considered popular?
When you begin your keyword research, you’ll see that many questions get less than 100 searches. To be included in this list of 100 popular internet questions, I chose the majority of questions that had been asked over 400 times.
What keywords are people using in the questions they ask?
Being a curious person, I spent some time this morning researching keywords used in questions on a variety of different topics and chose to list 100 of the top ranked questions that people are asking. The number that you see represents the number of times that question was asked over the past 140 days. You may be able to use these statistics to write your own blogging posts. Spend some time using this keyword tool to help you with ideas of topics to write about.
Using popular keywords in your writing will help you attract readers to your blog. Be sure to use keywords that are meaningful to your readers and that provide answers to their questions.
What keyword tools do you use and why do you like them?