Drinking alkalized and ionized water can make you feel more energy, release excess body fat and stored toxins, balance blood sugars, lower blood pressure, cleanse and heal the colon, improve arthritis, diabetic conditions, slow the aging process and heal a variety of skin conditions.
Based on clinical experiences in Japan and the United States, drinking alkalized and ionized water has helped people feel more energy and regain a sense of health and well being.The Enagic Corporation, a Japanese water technology company, has patented a machine that will alkalize and ionize water and now it is finally available in the United States. That machine produces “Kangen” water.
Kangen drinking water has produced so many positive, healing results with people who are having health issues that Japan has named this device a “medical device.” This water technology has been used in Japanese hospitals for over 30 years. You may be wondering what benefits this Kangen drinking water could give you.
Here are the top four reasons for drinking Kangen water:
1. To Balance the Body PH – The water raises the PH of tap water by “ionizing” the water molecule resulting in H+ and OH- ions. Overall, this increases the bicarbonate buffers in the blood, balancing the body and helps in neutralizing and excreting built up acids and toxins.
2. It Increases Hydration – Ionization reduces the size of the water molecule by 2/3, making it more able to penetrate the cellular membranes in our bodies. It speeds up the building of new tissue and waste removal through the lymphatic system.
3. Increases Blood Oxygenation – The OH- rich alkaline water makes more oxygen readily available to enrich the blood. Increased oxygenation can speed healing and increase one’s energy level.
4. Neutralizes Free Radical – The alkaline water with an abundance of OH- ions have extra electrons that easily neutralize destructive free radicals circulating throughout the body. Kangen water carries a high negative ORP (oxygen reduction potential) when it is first produced, making it a potent antioxidant. It also improves the absorption and utilization of food or supplements. This allows the natural healing process to predominate and promote health. Here are some surprising benefits of using other PH levels of water that the Kangen Water Machine produces.
Strong Alkaline Water with an 11.5 PH has some very powerful absorption properties that makes it excellent for use as a cleaning agent. People have used this water to remove carpet stains, clean household items and as a pain reliever in muscle strains or deep injuries to the body.
Beauty Water with a 5.5 PH has amazing properties when applied topically. This PH is similar to your natural skin’s PH and acts as a toner. Used on the face and skin, it softens the skin and makes it look beautiful. When sprayed on hair, it makes your hair shiny and radiant looking.
Strong Acidic Water with a 2.5 PH is not to be used for drinking. It has the ability to kill germs. In fact it has been used in restaurants to keep utensils and cutting boards clean and used in hospitals as a disinfectant. As seen on a short movie clip at our websites, bacteria die on contact with the 2.5 PH water. This type of water has been beneficial in replacing pesticides in agricultural crops in Japan.
Please use the contact us link to find out more about the Kangen Water Filter for your home.