According to, some of the nine million people feel poor. They are the “middle class” millionaires. Laurel Touby, a successful internet entrepreneur, who recently sold her website for $23 million could be one of them. She tells CNBC that she is not that rich.

Money Making Idea
She wanted to build a website to include a community for the media where there were job listings, bulletin boards, classes, and a freelance marketplace. She raised money for her website by hosting parties where she invited editors, writers, and other content creators. Her parties went on and on and her contacts grew to thousands. Now, her website is worth $23 million, with an Alexa page ranking of 5,275 , which means that the number of visitors she gets is within the top 100,000 most popular sites in the world. There are 2,745 websites linking to
She sold her website in July of 2007 to Jupiter Media. She called her rich friends to see what they recommended she buy with her newly acquired wealth. When she was told to invest in a jet, she laughed and thought that if she did that, her money could be gone in an instant.
See how the really rich live
According to, a financial news site, “In 1985, there were 13 billionaires in the United States and today there are over 1,000 billionaires.” CNBC has a special page devoted to videos and information about the investment bankers, hedge fund managers and private equity partners who make up the .001% of our population. What toys do they play with? Perhaps a Rolls-Royce, Ferrari, or Dusenberg would pacify them? Find out how many cars Tim Durham, a 45 year old financier from Indiana has in his garage.
Please tell me how to do what Laurel Touby, a successful internet entrepreneur, Did, Do you need lots of funds ?? How can I do this, I want to be as successful as her ,,
I guess we will have to ask her how she did it.