This article is a continuation of a 30 day plan to launch a new website offering bank checks. The goal of the plan was to do something every day to promote the site and see what kind of traffic we’d get. Unfortunately on August 8, the site went into the Google sandbox and none of the pages that were being listed with top positions in Google were being listed anymore. The site is still in the sandbox unfortunately. It’s not hard to tell when your site is in the sandbox because your pages won’t pull up for the search terms they were originally pulling up for.

As you can see from the graph the site is going through ups and downs in traffic. Most visible is the drastic decrease in traffic on August 8. There is a steady increase, but this is not due to getting out of the sandbox, it is due to some promotion efforts through a company I hired to help.
Originally, I planned not to spend any money during this first thirty day period, but I caved in after the drop in traffic. I hired a company that helped me with this website and asked them to do the same thing for my new site. If you are interested in knowing who they are and what they do, be sure to email me.
The goal is to get between 500 and 700 visitors per day. At that point, the site will be pulling in some decent income.
Sites can be in the sandbox for three to six months so the plan now is to build high authority back links which means getting the site listed in different directories.
The plan now is to:
1. Add quality content to the site through a blog.
2. Work on increasing the number of inbound links (quality links not just any old link).
3. Tweak and improve the SEO quality of your site.
4. Write articles.
So you should be seeing some changes coming soon to the site which will include a WordPress Blog.
Again, the biggest mistake made with this site was to wait until the entire site was done before submitting the site to Google. So if you are working on a new site, be sure and get at least a few pages presentable with a sitemap and submit it. Hopefully that will shorten your stay in the sandbox.