• “Think and Grow Rich,” by Napoleon Hill. A journalist, Hill researched more than 500 self-made millionaires, including Andrew Carnegie, Henry Ford and Charles M. Schwab, to include in his 1937 best-seller. This classic explains that accumulating wealth has more to do with mindset and the drive to overcome psychological barriers than anything else. It tells you how to start “thinking your way to success.”
• “Business Adventures” by John Brooks. Self-made billionaires Bill Gates and Warren Buffett endorse this book, which posits that starting a business in the best way to start your march toward financial success. It was published in 1969, but though a lot of business practice has changed, the fundamentals stay the same.
• “Your Money or Your Life,” by Vicki Robin, Joe Dominguez and Monique Tilford. Millionaire Grant Sabatier, who claims to have read more than 360 books on personal finance, declares this one the best. It also was the first one he picked up. Another endorsement comes from Chris Reining, 38, who had logged his first million by age 38. The book reiterates over and again the idea that you exchange your life for money. The question then becomes, when you consider what you exchanged for a particular item: “What did I trade for this and was it worth it?”
• “Unshakeable,” by Tony Robbins. After interviewing some of the world’s greatest financial minds, Robbins created a step-by-step on how to transform your financial life and begin to grow wealth. He posits that you don’t have to predict the future to win the investment game. Focus on what you can control and you’ll be the master of your own investment fate, he writes.
• “The Little Book of Common Sense Investing,” by John C. Bogle. Wise investing is the core of building wealth, this author says. He is founder of the Vanguard Group and creator of the world’s first index fund. He details the simplest and most efficient strategy: low-cost index funds, Warren Buffet recommends this read.
• “The Automatic Millionaire,” by Bach himself. The book exposes a handful of money misconceptions that keep ordinary people from achieving financial goals. Bach insists that “you don’t need a budget, you don’t need a lot of money and you don’t even need willpower to accumulate a fortune.”
With 2018 just getting under way, there’s a reading list to keep you learning more about how you can manage your money and start realizing goals to increase your wealth. Happy reading!