Buying your own health insurance is not the easiest thing to do. Because of the economy and the huge number of people who currently do not have health insurance, finding your own health insurance is something you may have to do.
First of all, you probably feel quite vulnerable without health insurance. Being human, we are all just one accident or one major illness away from being rocked off our secure financial boat especially if you don’t have health insurance.
You may have been without health insurance months or possibly even years. Maybe you were let go from your regular job because of company downsizing. Maybe you have tried to get insurance but you weren’t the perfect healthy specimen that insurance companies want to offer individual policies to.
It can take you 30 seconds to have an accident where you can fall and hurt yourself. When you break your ribs with that fall, it can cost you up to $9,500. You’ll need an ambulance ride to the hospital, x-rays, and possibly a CAT scan. You might not even stay at the hospital for more than 24 hours and still have that large bill. Needless to say, going without health insurance could very easily wipe out all of your savings and put you into debt you never dreamed of.
Say you had an accident and fell down your stairs and hit your head. This type of accident might cause internal bleeding in your brain and you might need surgery. You might have to be in the hospital for a month. Your bills will mount faster than you could ever imagine and soon you are owing hundreds of thousands of dollars for your care.
When you buy health insurance, it’s not like going shopping for other types of insurance. There must be hundreds of car insurance offices near you, but health insurance offices are scarce. You might have to ask many people how to find out about buying your own health insurance. A simple solution to your problems is to try out This company is a referral company that links you with insurance companies that can meet your needs. They are knowledgeable about many different companies offering insurance. If you don’t get accepted with one company they can easily help you apply for insurance with another company.
With one quick and simple application over the internet, you can eliminate your health insurance worries and anxieties. You can get the insurance you need and deserve. Don’t wait any longer to get your health insurance. The longer you wait, the more chances you have of being a victim of an accident or illness that could ruin you financially. Leave it to the experts to help you get what you need. Click on the image below and start protecting yourself today. I have used their services and highly recommend them.