On Friday, September 24, 2010, Google awarded $2 million dollars to Sal Khan for his contribution in educating the world through his math and science videos. His website, Khan Academy is the largest virtual school on the web and it is free. When asked what he was going to do with the money, he explained that he is going to translate the videos into Spanish, Mandarin, Arabic, Hindi, Portuguese and all the major languages of the world.
Sal began creating teaching videos in 2004, while working as a hedge fund manager. He wanted to help a family member learn math. The videos he made were posted to YouTube and started becoming popular with people all over the world. People would write in and tell him that they were able to pass algebra because of him. He saved some people from dropping out of school completely. He received so much positive feedback, that it inspired him to keep creating videos.
Since then, he has created over 2000 learning videos on subjects like algebra, basic math, calculus, chemistry, economics, finance, geometry, linear algebra, physics, venture capital, statistics and trigonometry and his web site has attracted close to 2.5 million views.
There couldn’t be a better qualified individual to learn from. Sal received a perfect score on the math portion of the SAT exams. He earned three degrees from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, one in mathematics, one in computer science and one in electrical engineering. He earned two master’s degrees, one MS from MIT and an MBA from Harvard.
Creating simple videos with basic tools, Sal has an exceptional ability to take complicated concepts and make them simple. Watching the videos is like being in math class where the teacher writes out equations on the blackboard. He is so engaging that some people say that they like him better on video than they do in person.
Sal has been dubbed as Bill Gates favorite teacher. “This guy is amazing, said Gates. “I’d say we’ve moved about 160 IQ points from the hedge fund category to the teaching-may-people-in-a-leveraged-way category. It was a good day when his wife let him quit his job.”
At a recent gathering held in Aspen, Colorado called the Aspen Ideas Festival, where leaders from around the world gather to discuss ideas and issues of global concern, Bill Gates spent time speaking about Sal Khan and his contribution to the world. Mr. Gates has used the videos to help his own children learn biology and algebra. Sal Khan was probably not surprised by this recent public attention because in 2009, he was awarded the Microsoft Tech Award for education.
That last comment by that uneducated simpleton of a news anchor “we’ll be watching to see what you do with that money”, really just gets me annoyed. If you want to learn something, go to Mr. Khans site. He has done more to help the WORLD than CNN ever has or will! You don’t even do your own job reporting accurately and intelligently, so don’t bother ‘watching’ Mr. Khan who is a genius and worth 1000% more than CNN.