You can use digital coupons by printing them out to take on your shopping trip; electronically send them to a store loyalty card, using the card to redeem them at the checkout counter; or you can obtain and redeem them using an app.
Here are seven sources of coupons to get you started:
Coupons.com is probably the largest source for manufacturer’s coupons. You can print them from the website or access and redeem them via the Coupons.com app.
RedPlum.com. This outlet provides manufacturer coupons that you can print or save to a grocery store loyalty card.
SmartSource.com also offers manufacturer coupons that you can print, access via app or redeem through your grocery story loyalty card. SmartSource refers to the latter option as “Direct2Card.”
MamboSprouts.com specializes in printed coupons for natural and healthy products.
Manufacturer websites are provided by the manufacturer direct to customers. Check the websites to determine if your favorite products are represented. Some of the giants that have many products include them in one place. For example, Procter & Gamble has its P&G Everyday program while General Mills provides its coupons via Tablespoon. Kellogg’s websites offers printable coupons after registering.
Many retailers provide coupons through their websites as well. Walgreen’s, for example, passes along manufacturer coupons that can be added to your loyalty card with just the click of a button.
Kroger and Target are among the retailers that offer manufacturer coupons on their mobile apps. You can check your favorite retailers’ websites or search a legitimate app store such as Apple’s App store or Google Play.
See, it’s simple. What are you waiting for? Start saving now the coupon way.