Notice just how many people are using their smart phones when you are out shopping. According to Shopatron’s Retailer eCommerce study, 86% of shoppers consult their smartphones. Over half of them are looking to compare prices, but they also want some extras, like product reviews.
PC magazine recently published a list of the top 10 smart phone apps in 2014. These apps have just about anything you would ever want from a price comparison app. Try some out and see if you don’t end up saving some money this Christmas season.
1. RedLaser – Simply scan the bar code and do your price comparisons.
2. ShopSavy – Input a product and the app will look for it. Handles bar code scanning and it has a SKU finder.
3. BuyVia – Will alert you for different products. Has a bar code scanner. Quotes reviews on products.
4. Smoopa – Scan the bar code and get a yes or no for getting the best price on an item where you are shopping. Earn rebate dollars for use of the app.
5. The Find – Scan the bar code and locate nearby deals and whats available online. Set pricing alerts to notify you of the lowest price point.
6. PriceGrabber – Searches online stores for deals and compares online prices for you. Results from 160 U.S. cities.
7. Consumr – Bar code scanner and shows product reviews. Earn rewards for placing reviews.
8. ScanLife – Online and local price comparisons with product reviews. Allows you to share deals on Facebook. Earn rewards.
9. ShopAdvisor – Price comparisons through bar code scanning and magazine scanning. Set alerts for low price deals.
10. Walmart Savings Catcher – Scan your receipt and compare prices of items against competitors advertised deals. Receive money back on a rewards card.