About The Coolchecks.net Blog
The Coolchecks.net blog was started in 2008, shortly after launching a hand coded, aggregated datafeed website that gives customers an easy way to find fun personal and business checks without going to ten different websites. The blog provides readers with basic personal finance information as well as learning from entrepreneur’s business success stories.

Personal finance is a subject that is dear to my heart. After experiencing many losses in my personal life, including being laid off my job in 2008, I decided to take action and start being in control of my future. That included learning everything I could about personal finance, technology and business start up strategies. I have benefited greatly in terms of understanding personal finance, living life more securely and helping others avoid debt and reach their personal finance goals. Blogging has been a way to meet new people, learn new things and help others.
Likes: Hot chocolate, movies, word games, creating, blogging, search engine optimization, marketing, WordPress, PHP, MySQL, Affiliate Summit, nature walks, art work, traveling, networking, photography
Dislikes: Mints after eating licorice, disorganization, bugs, spiders
If you would like to contribute your story to this blog, please contact me.
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Warm regards,